Why Airlines Still Use Multi Pronged Earphone Jacks

The reasons behind the madness

Jordan Fraser
5 min readAug 11, 2019
Photo: Reddit

It happens to me every damn time.

As I move slowly through the arduous line of people waiting to board the plane, I pass an enormous pile of crappy airline earphones.

They sit wrapped in plastic, hoping to be mistaken as new.

Person after person reaches out and grabs their pair.
Not me.
I brought my own earphones.

These flimsy plastic nightmares that crack the second you adjust them, don’t fit on a head larger than a 10 year olds; and barely conduct sound.
I was smart, I paid a lot for a good pair and was damn sure I was going to use them.

I was sure right up until the dreaded moment I sat down, reached out and saw the jack.

Photo: Purple Idea

“Those Bastards”

But Why?

There are several factors that explain why airlines won’t just play nicely with everyone else.

