Trump Claims He’s Better than Lincoln

“I’m possibly better for black people than Abraham Lincoln”

Jordan Fraser


Photo: ABC

The final Presidential debate has concluded, and I’d like to give my sincere thanks to the star of tonight’s debate; the Presidential mute button.

Because the moderator was able to mute whichever candidate was not meant to be talking at any given moment, the debate was a lot less messy than the one that came before it. As a result, we were finally able to see what each candidate really thinks of each other and the issues.

And when I say issues, I mean the big one.

“The Talk”

The standout moment of the night took place when the moderator asked President Trump and Former Vice President Biden about “the talk.”

The talk is referring to the conversation that black and brown Americans need to have with their kids on how to avoid being shot by police. Tips like making sure their hands are visible at all times during an interaction with police, and taking down their hoods before crossing the street.

When asking the candidates to address “the talk”, the moderator asked whether the candidates believe that it happens, and to address the parents directly and discuss the problem.

