The Biggest Hurdle for New Writers

After nine months on the platform, I have some good advice

Jordan Fraser
6 min readMar 11, 2020
Photo by Quino Al on Unsplash

Every year when January comes around, I always anticipate the same phenomenon.
Whether I’m hustling for Medium, Fiverr, Freelancer, or Amazon; January always means a wave of new contributors joining me on my chosen platform.

Every year, sites like Medium grow their contributor base exponentially in January because it’s the time of year that people choose resolutions and set goals for their future.

People want more from their lives, and January often means finally pulling that trigger.
Unfortunately, most of those new writers are gone by March, so it’s usually after mid-March that we figure out the ones who’ll be sticking around long term.

When I use to work on cruise ships there was a saying; if you quit after two contracts, you’ve quit for real. But if you come back for a third contract, you’re trapped for life.

We said this because once people were on their third ship contract, they became “lifers”.
Lifers would always talk about quitting, but once you’ve completed three contracts, you’re trapped. The ship has become a part of you and it becomes heart-wrenching to give it up.
Ships were a way of life, and this life only suits a…

